A Little 3x3 Incident | 3x3插畫小烏龍



Last months, I received several congratulation emails saying that I won an art competition. Since I’ve heard about many art scams like this: first, they would congratulate you on your work being pre-selected for their competition which you didn’t enter, and then, they would “kindly” ask you to pay for a fee. Therefore, I deleted all of the “scam emails” immediately…thinking “Don’t try to fool me! I’m not gonna fall for it!”

However, when I received the third email from 3x3 Magazine Illustration Show, I started to believe it was true. I then went on their website and found my name on the winners list..HO MA GOD! I finally realised that it wasn’t a scam!!! 

I have heard about the award for many years as some of the illustrators, whose work I really like, have already won 3x3, like Iker Ayestaran illustration :)  Anyway, I am so honoured to be one of the 3x3 winners. It is very encouraging for a fresh illustrator to keep creating good work.

P.S. The congratulation emails were already rescued from the trash bin and now sitting nicely in my inbox XD


一個月前,我就陸陸續續收到恭喜你得獎的信件,但因為之前就聽說有一些專挑新出來的畫家下手的小壞蛋,騙取一些展費啊、刊登費、得獎費(?)等等,所以我一收到就毫不猶豫地把他們全部刪 光 光!!還在心裡為自己的聰明鼓掌想說:「誰都別想欺騙我的感情!!」


我真是不敢相信!!重複確認了好幾次才敢分享這個好消息!!為何3x3插畫獎讓我如此興奮呢?一直以來,我都知道3x3插畫獎,因為好幾個我一直有在關注的插畫家都得過這個獎,像是 鄒駿昇 Page Tsou、 Ahn Zhe 安哲、 Cindy wume 所以我一直很希望有一天也能說:Ya~~~~我得3x3了!!終於成功達成第一個插畫家小小里程碑,之後還有好多更令人興奮大大小小里程碑等著我去插旗子!


後記:Sorry我不小心放了假消息,Cindy Wume說她其實沒有報過3x3啦,但我確定她有入圍波隆納插畫獎XD 大家不要報警抓我 #烏龍不斷



3x3 Winning Entry-Part 2


3x3 Winning Entry-Part 1