3x3 Winning Entry-Part 1


Ok, let's chat about the illustrations awarded by 3x3 International Illustration Show (3x3 Magazine)!

The awarded entry is my 'Digital Visual Diary', a series of four animated illustrations.

The story behind the piece began last summer, a lovely wedding, for which my fiancé (recently became my husband) was the groom's best man. The newlyweds had been together for several years already. I still remember vividly their loving eye contact and the inevitable smiles during the wedding ceremony.

It was my first time attending an outdoor French wedding. It was really fun and intimate. I enjoyed it so much. The wedding was held at their family's house surrounded by nature and beautifully decorated by the bride's talented mom. There were hanging balloons (in coral red and white) on the trees, outdoor games, and the vintage photo booth. At night, the sparkling string lights created a romantic, warm atmosphere for the wedding.

My most favourite part was after wedding cake cutting, the newly-wedded couple then kissed with their families and friends around. What a beautiful and moving moment it was! It was this unforgettable experience inspired me to create this loving work: 'Wedding Lovers'.

As far as I know, a typical French wedding often starts with a wedding ceremony from 3 pm, then photoshoot, aperitif, dinner, wedding cake cutting, and then drink and dance until the morning! To get myself ready for this, I went to bed at 8pm the day before XD

P.S. There was a funny incident (okok, or more precisely, a silly incident XD) I wanna share with you guys. Guess what kind of silly thing I did when I got the news from 3x3? 


這次的得獎作品是 Digital Visual Diary,當中包含了四個動畫插畫,這是其中一個。



我最最最喜歡的橋段就是新人切蛋糕的時候,大家簇擁著這對可愛的新人,見證他們充滿愛又靦腆的吻,當下的感動搭配現場的氛圍,彈出幾滴淚都不為過。這次的美好婚禮經驗與這個動人的moment,也造就了這個有愛的作品:Wedding Lovers。


P.S. 這次得獎還發生了一件蠢蠢的事XD 你們猜猜看是什麼頗烏龍的小插曲?



A Little 3x3 Incident | 3x3插畫小烏龍